HE POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SITUATION in Colombia, Venezuela and Argentina
Colombia is a country located in the northwestern region of South America and is constituted by a unitary state of social and political rights whose form of government is presidentialista.colombia is the 7th largest country in the world and Latin America.
Colombia is one of the countries with the greatest fauna and flora thanks to the Amazonian rainforest which has more than 200 species of birds and plants whose characteristics are only found in the Amazon, but not only has a variety of plants but also one of the rivers largest in the world that is the Magdalena River.
Colombia is one of the countries with a very good economic development in the last 10 years, thanks to agricultural activities in the country.
the political laws and the judicial infraesturctura in Colombia is very well done but the inconvenience that it has is not all those laws are fulfilled by the corruption that Colombia has, thanks to the terrorist groups like the farc and the m-19 among others. But not only are these terrorist groups but some participants of the same Colombian government and socio-economic owners of the country are responsible for stealing money to the country secretly.
In my point of view Colombia is a good country with great economic and political potential, only that corruption destroys it and makes the country destabilize; if they manage to get rid of those corrupt politicians that are in the government and the state and terrorist groups will always continue in that state Colombia.
enezuela is considered a developing country15 with an economy based primarily on the extraction and refining of oil and other minerals, as well as agricultural and industrial activities, the largest flow of money in investments comes from these activities in the country.
Venezuela became the main producer of oil in all Latin America and came to get large trillions of dollars.
venezuela has a policy that has had many changes as they change of president, the national authorities of the state reside in Caracas, Capital District, since according to the National Constitution, is the seat of the organs of the National Public Power. The Public Administration is at the service of citizens and is based on the principles of honesty, participation, speed, efficiency, transparency, accountability and responsibility.
although the current president nicolas mature has caused a great economic and social debate in the country that consequently much of the Venezuelan population has had to immigrate to other countries and much more to his neighboring country that is Colombia.
then we are talking about Venezuela becoming one of the richest and most powerful countries thanks to the amount of oil exploitation to pass to a country almost dead socially and economically,so that venezuela out of that economic and social crisis should replace that president because they are the cause of why the Venezuelan country is so.
Argentina is organized as a decentralized federal state, integrated since 1994 by a national state and 24 self-governed states, which in turn are 24 national legislative electoral districts, The Argentine economy is the second most developed and important in South America. According to the World Bank, its nominal GDP is the 21st in the world.17 Due to its geopolitical and economic importance, it is one of the three Latin American sovereign states that is part of the so-called Group of 20 and also includes the group of NIC or new industrialized countries.18
It is one of the only countries in the American continent -together with the United States and Canada- that has reached optimal levels of Research and Development in the field of science.19 Its technological and scientific capacity has allowed it to design, produce and export satellites, 20 build nuclear reactors and be a power, although in recent years, its influence has been reduced due to the internal transitions it is suffering. It has provided an increasing nuclear cooperation to countries of Latin America, The National Executive Power (PEN) is played by a citizen with the title of President of the Argentine Nation, which is elected by direct suffrage in double return together with the candidate for vice president . The second round of voting is carried out between the two most voted options if in the first one none had obtained more than 45% of the valid votes or, if having obtained the most voted option between 40% and 45%, there would be a difference with the second option lower than 10%