jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018

the diary of samuel pepys

Well, today I'm going to talk about a story called the Samuel Pepys newspaper. I will talk about the two values ​​that I found in this story in the characters of this story.
At the beginning of this story I did not find the values ​​that we will find later that would be trust and gratitude towards other people.
because at first the main character was a person with a very high social rank in a kingdom of London, he had a lot of money and was very arrogant to have that money, he was a very ungrateful person and that is why at the beginning of the story we find these two values that later we see them, for example, when Pepys begins with the coronation of his king, he felt grateful with him and everything he has done.
Later in the story there was a tragedy in a children's adoption house in a place in England which was burning and since its sale saw the fire and was full of courage and went to help the children who were there.
At that time, people felt fulfilled and grateful to him when he went to help the children and the people who were inside that house that was burning.

but not always the Lord comes to help the problems, he does as exceptions and for this reason these two values ​​are not always presented in history but in certain problems in which Pepys comes to help people.
for example when pepys was also a man who was married, he had a very nice wife who would love him a lot, but he deceived her with different women of the kingdom since he liked them too then this is another case where pepys is not sincere nor grateful with his wife.
Because I think that these are the conclusions and small summaries that I can comment on this great story about this famous writings in his time.