Well, today I am going to talk about the history of the model proposal, the two values that are justice and fairness in this story, a short summary of the story and my point of view on this.
But first I start with the definition of justice and equity.
impartiality means being free from prejudice, that is, abstracting from subjective considerations and focusing on the objectivity of a matter, when making a judgment
and justice It is a value determined as a common good by society. Born from the need to maintain harmony among its members.
Well honestly I did not see any of these two values implemented in this story because basically the author tries to give a solution to the poverty that the people of Ireland are going through and the overpopulation of it, but in a very cruel and sadistic way children.
how is it possible that he proposes an idea that has to do with asecinar a poor child, without money, without good clothes, without a good house, to sell them to the rich people so that they can eat them and in exchange to the family of the parents The child is given a small reward, such as money, clothes and other things.
According to him this idea is very good and is aimed at improving the population and the economy, but he has not taken into account the pain and suffering that this can cause a large part of the society of Ireland to create an idea that is kill children for an ambitious benefit of other people.
he can not propose that because he does not have children first, he is not a father, and he is not married, so he does not know what a father feels when he knows that his son will be killed simply for money and then he will be cooked and Finally, supped by rich, ambitious and cruel people, so I do not think he feels the slightest pain for proposing, since he does not know what it feels to lose a son.
In real life that idea that this author proposed in this story would have much controversy and very bad publicity because it does not make sense the help he is proposing for the economic improvement of a country.
that kind of people should not be in charge of any politic and social power since it seeks to harm more people to propose a help and that seems to me that it is not fair or fairness for anyone.
and this is all for this writing of today.