jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018


Well, today I am going to talk about the history of the model proposal, the two values ​​that are justice and fairness in this story, a short summary of the story and my point of view on this.
But first I start with the definition of justice and equity.
impartiality means being free from prejudice, that is, abstracting from subjective considerations and focusing on the objectivity of a matter, when making a judgment
and justice It is a value determined as a common good by society. Born from the need to maintain harmony among its members.
Well honestly I did not see any of these two values ​​implemented in this story because basically the author tries to give a solution to the poverty that the people of Ireland are going through and the overpopulation of it, but in a very cruel and sadistic way children.
how is it possible that he proposes an idea that has to do with asecinar a poor child, without money, without good clothes, without a good house, to sell them to the rich people so that they can eat them and in exchange to the family of the parents The child is given a small reward, such as money, clothes and other things.
According to him this idea is very good and is aimed at improving the population and the economy, but he has not taken into account the pain and suffering that this can cause a large part of the society of Ireland to create an idea that is kill children for an ambitious benefit of other people.
he can not propose that because he does not have children first, he is not a father, and he is not married, so he does not know what a father feels when he knows that his son will be killed simply for money and then he will be cooked and Finally, supped by rich, ambitious and cruel people, so I do not think he feels the slightest pain for proposing, since he does not know what it feels to lose a son.
In real life that idea that this author proposed in this story would have much controversy and very bad publicity because it does not make sense the help he is proposing for the economic improvement of a country.
that kind of people should not be in charge of any politic and social power since it seeks to harm more people to propose a help and that seems to me that it is not fair or fairness for anyone.
and this is all for this writing of today.

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018

the diary of samuel pepys

Well, today I'm going to talk about a story called the Samuel Pepys newspaper. I will talk about the two values ​​that I found in this story in the characters of this story.
At the beginning of this story I did not find the values ​​that we will find later that would be trust and gratitude towards other people.
because at first the main character was a person with a very high social rank in a kingdom of London, he had a lot of money and was very arrogant to have that money, he was a very ungrateful person and that is why at the beginning of the story we find these two values that later we see them, for example, when Pepys begins with the coronation of his king, he felt grateful with him and everything he has done.
Later in the story there was a tragedy in a children's adoption house in a place in England which was burning and since its sale saw the fire and was full of courage and went to help the children who were there.
At that time, people felt fulfilled and grateful to him when he went to help the children and the people who were inside that house that was burning.

but not always the Lord comes to help the problems, he does as exceptions and for this reason these two values ​​are not always presented in history but in certain problems in which Pepys comes to help people.
for example when pepys was also a man who was married, he had a very nice wife who would love him a lot, but he deceived her with different women of the kingdom since he liked them too then this is another case where pepys is not sincere nor grateful with his wife.
Because I think that these are the conclusions and small summaries that I can comment on this great story about this famous writings in his time.

martes, 2 de octubre de 2018

What virtues should people have today to make a better place to live?

the people to be able to live together have to have very specific and fixed values ​​such as patience, love, tolerance, solidarity but above all we must have certain virtues that help us to be able to coexist with other people so that there is no discrimination and exclusion among us we must be clear that all human beings are equal in a certain way, nobody in this life is more than anyone so we do not have to defame or offend other people because that is wrong and so we would be creating an environment of prejudice and falsehood in the world.

I believe that what characterizes human beings are lies and envy, because we do not have the strength and character to face problems head on, we are capable of lying and hurting others slowly so that we do not we care, I say that if we can get that out of our mind and be able to be rational people with pure values ​​the world where we live would be better and there would not be so many political social problems, there would be no assassinations and we would all live in peace with the other people without need to envy anything to anyone.

You also have to be persistent in our life we ​​have to advance and not stagnate in the past but learn from it and continue to discover more why if you persevere you do not achieve anything in this life tod

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018

Child of darkness

This legend originated 300 years ago in Colombia and is about a demon called the child of darkness who feeds on nightmares and the pain of children's seizures.
This demon appears at night every Friday in search of people who have killed children and adolescents. He appears in the form of a hurt and sad child at night and enters the house of the murderer and gets into his mind, in his dreams and recreates all the scenes of murders and injustices committed by that person and recreates them again and again every night so that they feel the pain and suffering that their victims felt at that moment. He does so in order that the silk killer before him and drive him crazy and control him so he can take away his own life.
and it is said that this child still appears in some parts of Colombia looking for murderers of children to feed on their pain and sorrows, so that they feel what they did to their defenseless victims.

martes, 21 de agosto de 2018


My name is alexander de las salas, I am 15 years old, I was born on November 14, 2002.
I am the third of 5 brothers, I have 2 sisters and two brothers, my father is called alexander just like me and my mother monica, I am a very athletic young man who likes to play sports, play football and go out with my friends and family on weekends of semena, I like all kinds of music, my tastes are very varied in music and food, I also have hobbies that are playing guitar and reading books, those are my hobbies.
I have also had the chance to visit several countries and visit different monuments, learn more about the different cultures of the world and learn more about them, the last land I stayed to live in was Buenos Aires-Argentina, there lasts about 8 months living, interacting, learning and visiting all that I could of buenos aires. In the months that I live in Buenos Aires I have a good experience because I met more people, more friends and more new personalities. and then one of my future plans is to study medicine at the university of the north or free here in Barranquilla and specialize in cardiology or neurology in Argentina, after I finish specializing with the money I earn I will help my family and I will become independent.

jueves, 19 de abril de 2018

HE POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SITUATION in Colombia, Venezuela and Argentina

Colombia is a country located in the northwestern region of South America and is constituted by a unitary state of social and political rights whose form of government is presidentialista.colombia is the 7th largest country in the world and Latin America.
Colombia is one of the countries with the greatest fauna and flora thanks to the Amazonian rainforest which has more than 200 species of birds and plants whose characteristics are only found in the Amazon, but not only has a variety of plants but also one of the rivers largest in the world that is the Magdalena River.
Colombia is one of the countries with a very good economic development in the last 10 years, thanks to agricultural activities in the country.
the political laws and the judicial infraesturctura in Colombia is very well done but the inconvenience that it has is not all those laws are fulfilled by the corruption that Colombia has, thanks to the terrorist groups like the farc and the m-19 among others. But not only are these terrorist groups but some participants of the same Colombian government and socio-economic owners of the country are responsible for stealing money to the country secretly.
In my point of view Colombia is a good country with great economic and political potential, only that corruption destroys it and makes the country destabilize;  if they manage to get rid of those corrupt politicians that are in the government and the state and terrorist groups will always continue in that state Colombia.

enezuela is considered a developing country15 with an economy based primarily on the extraction and refining of oil and other minerals, as well as agricultural and industrial activities, the largest flow of money in investments comes from these activities in the country.
Venezuela became the main producer of oil in all Latin America and came to get large trillions of dollars.
venezuela has a policy that has had many changes as they change of president, the national authorities of the state reside in Caracas, Capital District, since according to the National Constitution, is the seat of the organs of the National Public Power. The Public Administration is at the service of citizens and is based on the principles of honesty, participation, speed, efficiency, transparency, accountability and responsibility.
although the current president nicolas mature has caused a great economic and social debate in the country that consequently much of the Venezuelan population has had to immigrate to other countries and much more to his neighboring country that is Colombia.
then we are talking about Venezuela becoming one of the richest and most powerful countries thanks to the amount of oil exploitation to pass to a country almost dead socially and economically,so that venezuela out of that economic and social crisis should replace that president because they are the cause of why the Venezuelan country is so.

Argentina is organized as a decentralized federal state, integrated since 1994 by a national state and 24 self-governed states, which in turn are 24 national legislative electoral districts, The Argentine economy is the second most developed and important in South America. According to the World Bank, its nominal GDP is the 21st in the world.17 Due to its geopolitical and economic importance, it is one of the three Latin American sovereign states that is part of the so-called Group of 20 and also includes the group of NIC or new industrialized countries.18

It is one of the only countries in the American continent -together with the United States and Canada- that has reached optimal levels of Research and Development in the field of science.19 Its technological and scientific capacity has allowed it to design, produce and export satellites, 20 build nuclear reactors and be a power, although in recent years, its influence has been reduced due to the internal transitions it is suffering. It has provided an increasing nuclear cooperation to countries of Latin America, The National Executive Power (PEN) is played by a citizen with the title of President of the Argentine Nation, which is elected by direct suffrage in double return together with the candidate for vice president . The second round of voting is carried out between the two most voted options if in the first one none had obtained more than 45% of the valid votes or, if having obtained the most voted option between 40% and 45%, there would be a difference with the second option lower than 10%